

Dear All,

I’ve set a new CentOS7/UMD4 ArcCE, I’ve been testing it for a few days and haven’t found any problem so I’ve exposed it to the information system/world for further testing/as an additional CE for us.

Set up was remarkable simple. It uses more or less the same puppet config as the SL6 ArcCEs (the only differences are at the OS and Yum repo layers, not in the ArcCE config). The only difficulty has been that some of the LCAS/LCMAPS rpms[1] have not yet made it into the UMD4 repo yet so I had to install them from the UMD3 repo, as far as I can tell they work perfectly.

If anyone wants to test their small (or large) VO against it, please go ahead and let me know if you find any problems.


[1] lcas- lcas-plugins-basic lcas-plugins-voms lcmaps lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy lcmaps-plugins-c-pep argus-pep-api-c

Dr Chris Brew
Scientific Computing Manager
Particle Physics Department
STFC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Oxford,
OX11 0QX
+44 1235 446326