


you could call it with a recent MJD -- it should return 36


On 15 April 2016 at 14:48, Pierre Maxted <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
SUN67 advises the user to "[r]efer to the program source code for information on when the most recent leap second was added."

 The source code is not included with the distribution I have just downloaded (star-2015B for OS X), so how can I check this?

 Better still, can sla_DAT be modified so that it can, as an option, return the MJD of the last update to the source code?
e.g., for the old C version of dat.c that I have add as the first executable line

 if ( utc  == -99) return 53736.0

And for the documentation

**  Result:  TAI-UTC in seconds


** Result:  TAI-UTC in seconds OR if utc = -99 then return the utc of the last update to the source code.


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