

Dear all,

I am working on high resolution 7T anatomical data and utilize SPM's bias field correction as part of my pre-processing. I have two questions regarding the bias field correction.

First, to change the FWHM to lower values than can be specified using the GUI, I wrote a short script to create a job and feed it to spm_preproc_run.m However, as I am not interested in the segmentation during pre-processing I would like to disable it. Is this somehow possible? It would speed up the pre-processing greatly.

Second, does the bias field correction involve any transformation of the input data? In case of some datasets I want to apply a denoising algorithm and I am trying to figure out at which stage in the pipeline I should apply it for best results. As transformation would result in a change of noise distribution, I would want to avoid it.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Falk Lüsebrink, M. Sc.
Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Forschungscampus STIMULATE

Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg

Room:  ExFa - 4.06
Phone: +49 391-67-19366
Fax:   +49 391-67-19347