

Dear SPMers,

I am using VB-ECD to localize the sources of sensor-level activity. I encountered with two problems about VB-ECD when I was using the GUI.

First, what is "moment prior (right only)"?  What is "Prior moment variance (nAm2)"? I can figure out the meaning of "Location Prior" and "Prior Location Variance", but cannot understand "moment". Any comments are welcome. 

Second,  after VB-ECD, there should be new coordinates of source positions. That is because "Prior location variance" was specified before and there will be some changes. In the GUI, I pressed "dip" which is under "Invert" to check the coordinates, but nothing can be seen about this in the box "Current Position". Does anyone know which step I went wrong? Or do I need to go somewhere and get the coordinates?  

I checked the manual and some online materials, still couldn't figure them out. Any comments will be appreciated. 

Kind regards,
Yu Li