

Dear Janusiya,

looks like issues with your resampled data set C10_BRAVO. I would try to resample and smooth that subject again (and probably check to display to be sure that everything is fine).



On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:22:14 +0000, Janusiya Muthulingam <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hello all,
>I am performing SBM second level analysis in CAT12 (r916) and have following error message when I estimate surface model in CAT12. Is anyone familiar with this error message? Can I use SPM12 estimate function instead of CAT12's estimate function?
>SPM12: spm_spm (v6678)                             13:06:15 - 11/04/2016
>SPM12: spm_est_non_sphericity (v6015)              13:06:15 - 11/04/2016
>Chunk   2/2                             :                        ...done
>Temporal non-sphericity (147618 voxels) :             ...ReML estimation
>  ReML Iteration 1                      :        ...9.184665e-02 [+4.25]
>SPM12: spm_spm (v6678)                             13:06:17 - 11/04/2016
>Chunk   2/2                             :                        ...done
>Error using read_gifti_file (line 17)
>[GIFTI] Loading of XML file D:\janusiya_analysis\SBM_controls\surf\s15mm.lh.thickness.resampled.C10_BRAVO.gii failed.
>Error in gifti (line 74)
>                this = read_gifti_file(varargin{1},giftistruct);
>Error in spm_spm (line 673)
>    [R, RPV] = spm_mesh_resels(gifti(g),mask,ResI,[nScan erdf]);
>Error in cat12>pushbutton5_Callback (line 144)
>    spm_spm(SPM);
>Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
>        feval(varargin{:});
>Error in cat12 (line 69)
>    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
>Error in
>Error while evaluating UIControl Callback