Apologies for cross posting.

Continuing our theme of genre and animation, we have a post from David Perlmutter questioning the generic definition of some of the latest US TV animation. This month is guest curated by Eve Benhamou.

Please feel free to comment.

The CFP for May is below (deadline Friday 29th April). If you have any ideas for themes and/or would like to curate a month please let me know.

best wishes

Dr Nichola Dobson
Society for Animation Studies

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CFP Animation as Collaboration May Theme

(Deadline Friday 29th April 2016)


This month’s theme looks at the cross over between what we might term ‘filmic’ animation (cinema, TV, experimental exhibition work) and other platforms and outputs for animation where it might be called something else. There are numerous areas where animation is present but through collaboration with another form, becomes less visible as animation. This is not problematic but may require us to think differently about how we describe what we know as animation when other platforms and applications are taken into account. Conversely it can be worth highlighting the potential for animation to enhance these other platforms due to its animatedness.  Can we think about animation in its full inter/cross disciplinary glory?


Topics may include but are not limited to:

-       Motion graphics in graphic design.

-       Animation in games; 

-       Digital media.

-       Animation in/and science.


Posts of between 300 and 500 words, which discuss any aspect of the above topic are welcome.  Contributors are encouraged to include clips and images to support their posts.  Please also include a short bio to accompany the post. All permissions are the responsibility of the contributor. Please contact the editor [log in to unmask]  or [log in to unmask] with submissions or questions.



Posted by: Nichola Dobson <[log in to unmask]

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