

Dear FSL experts,

I'm experiencing two problems running PALM (on a concatenated bvars file converted to .nii) in matlab. I've attached my design.mat (.txt to send trough email), tcontrast_1vs234_int.con, and group.grp files. The palm command (5 permutations just for testing) is this:

-i /[path]/
-m /[path]/
-o /[path]/
-d /[path]/
-t /[path]/
-eb /[path]/
-n 5

Problem 1:
I want to know whether there is a difference between patients and controls (contrasts C1 and C2). These are not one-sample t-tests, yet PALM says only 1 permutation is possible.

Number of possible permutations is 1.
Generating 1 shufflings (permutations only).
Building null distribution.
10% [Design 1/1, Contrast 1/10, Shuffling 1/1, Modality 1/1]

Why is this? And how can I solve it?

Problem 2:
I want to know whether there is a difference between the age-slope of patients and the age-slope of controls (contrasts C9 and C10). C9 runs just fine, but strangely C10 doesn't. I get the following error:

82% [Design 1/1, Contrast 9/10, Shuffling 1/5, Modality 1/1]
Saving file: /home/mrphys/lizsch/shape/data/
Error using betainc
X must be in the interval [0,1].

Error in palm_gcdf (line 63)
        gcdf(ig) = betainc(1./(1+G(ig).^2./df2(ig)),df2(ig)/2,.5)/2;

Error in palm_gtoz (line 69)
        Z(~idx) = -erfcinv(2*palm_gcdf( G(~idx),1,df2(~idx)))*sqrt(2);

Error in palm_core (line 1473)
                            G{y}{m}{c} = palm_gtoz(G{y}{m}{c},plm.rC0{m}(c),df2{y}{m}{c});

Error in palm (line 80)

Error in r_run_palm_all (line 7)
addpath(genpath('/home/mrphys/lizsch/Desktop/palm-alpha72'));palm -i /home/mrphys/lizsch/shape/data/ -m
/home/mrphys/lizsch/shape/data/ -o /home/m

I've tried ordering them the other way around, but then C9 (that was previously C10) crashes. I've also tried taking out all other contrasts, moving them to a different folder, removing all files, starting again from scratch, etc. Nothing worked. I hope you can help me.

Thank you again, you're help is very much appreciated!

All my best,