

Dear Björn,

is the error consistent? I.e., if you were to run your script multiple times would the same subjects cause problems each time? If so, can you please upload an example where you have this problem? Please make a tar-ball containing all files alluded to be the eddy command line and upload it to


On 19 Apr 2016, at 09:54, Björn Åström <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

Hi FSL experts

I'm currently running eddy and getting this error message (see below) on some of my subjects (roughly 1/10, meaning that 9/10 are processed properly), all files are formatted and named in exactly the same fashion among all subjects. I've seen that other people have had similar error messages in previous FSL-posts, possibly related to bval and/or bvec files? I have not noticed any discernible discrepancies between the bvecs of those analysis that work and those who don't.

$ ./eddy_prog_final160417.txt
0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Segmentation violation, Unknown reason, Offending address = (nil)
eddy ) [0x5e0826] [
eddy ) [0x5db62b] [
eddy ) [0x43401b] [
./eddy_prog_final160417.txt: line 2:  5846 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) eddy --imain="${katalog}_DTI.nii" --mask="${katalog}_DTI_bet_015_mask.nii" --acqp="${katalog}_acq.txt" --index="${katalog}_index.txt" --bvecs="${katalog}_DTI.bvec" --bvals="${katalog}_DTI.bval" --out="${katalog}_eddy" --slm=linear

This is my script:

for kat_slash in */ # /home/lenf/test_fslpreproc/glm_160415/NYPUM_083_005_30T_V01
   katalog=$(basename $kat_slash)
   cd $katalog
   fslroi "${katalog}_DTI.nii" "${katalog}_DTI_B0" 0 1 # B0-volymen
   bet "${katalog}_DTI_B0" "${katalog}_DTI_bet_015" -m -f 0.15 # bet pa B0-volymen
   printf "1 0 0 0.05" > "${katalog}_acq.txt" # skriv acq-filen
   grad_vol=($(cat ${katalog}_DTI.bval)) # las in bvec i array grad_vol
   echo ${grad_vol[*]}
   echo ${#grad_vol[*]}
   var_index="${grad_vol[@]//*0/1}" # ersatt varje b-value i grad_vol med 1 > lika manga 1:or som volymer
   printf "${var_index}" > ${katalog}_index.txt # skriv ut var_index med ettor till indexfilen
   echo $var_index
   cat "${katalog}_index.txt"
   eddy --imain="${katalog}_DTI.nii" --mask="${katalog}_DTI_bet_015_mask.nii" --acqp="${katalog}_acq.txt" --index="${katalog}_index.txt" --bvecs="${katalog}_DTI.bvec" --bvals="${katalog}_DTI.bval" --out="${katalog}_eddy" --slm=linear
   cd ..

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated

Kind regards

Björn Åström
Department of clinical neuroscience
Umea University