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Canadian Journal of Women and the Law/Revue Femmes et Droit

Volume 28, Issue 1, April 2016

Men's Groups: Challenging Feminism / Groupes masculinistes : défier le féminisme


This special issue of the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law (28.1, 2016) addresses a modern source of resistance to feminism: groups acting in the name of men’s and fathers’ rights and interests. These groups argue that men are discriminated against in relation to law (especially family law and laws on violence against women), education, and government funding. The international and interdisciplinary array of authors featured in this issue address two main questions: (1) how men’s group actions in different countries and at the international level engage with, and discursively construct, feminism and (2) lessons for the feminist movement, nationally and globally; historically and currently, from the growing legitimacy of men’s groups.



Men's Groups: Challenging Feminism

Boyd Susan B. and Elizabeth Sheehy


Groupes masculinistes : défier le féminisme

Susan B Boyd and Elizabeth Sheehy



Conceptualizing Backlash: (UK) Men's Rights Groups, Anti-Feminism, and Postfeminism

Ana Jordan


Looking through Misogyny: Indian Men's Rights Activists, Law, and Challenges for Feminism

Srimati Basu


Men's Rights or Men's Needs? Anti-Feminism in Australian Men's Health Promotion

Michael Salter


Divorced Israeli Men's Abuse of Transnational Human Rights Law

Daphna Hacker


The Chorus of Formal Equality: Feminist Custody Law Reform and Fathers' Rights Advocacy in Taiwan

Chao-ju Chen


Fathers' Rights in Swedish Family Law Reform: Taking Account of Fathers' Violence against Mothers

Monica Burman


Backlash Goes Global: Men's Groups, Patriarchal Family Policy, and the False Promise of Gender-Neutral Laws

Ruth Halperin-Kaddari and Marsha A. Freeman


Domestic Violence on #qanda: The “Man” Question in Live Twitter Discussion on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Q&A

Molly Dragiewicz and Jean Burgess


Case Commentary: R. v Walsh and the “Myth” of Marital Rape

Mohammad Vayeghan



The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India by Srimati Basu

Susan B. Boyd



Submission Information

The CJWL/RFD is Canada's oldest feminist legal periodical. Since it began in 1985, the journal has provided a forum in which feminist writers from diverse backgrounds, speaking from a wide range of experience, can exchange ideas and information about legal issues that affect women. We are looking to build on this tradition and remain committed to reflecting a diversity of political, social, cultural, and economic thinking, unified by a shared interest in law reform.


We invite submissions from people who are engaged in feminist analysis of socio-legal issues that reflect a range of approaches, including multidisciplinary, action-focused, theoretical, and historical, and that reflect linguistic and regional differences in Canada. We particularly encourage submissions authored by women from different backgrounds, disciplines and jurisdictions who are doing new feminist work.

The CJWL/RFD is seeking papers for publication in the following sections of the CJWL/RFD: articles, review essays, commentaries, case comments, research notes, book reviews, and notes on Canadian and International events of interest to our readers. Comments on previously published materials are also welcome. The journal is a refereed publication.


Canadian Journal of Women and the Law/Revue Femmes et Droit is available online at:

CJWL Online - http://

Project MUSE - http://


University of Toronto Press Journals Division
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posted by T Hawkins