

Dear CHILD-YOUTH-GEOSOCIAL-ENV members, you may be interested in the following conference:

2nd Call for Papers - DEADLINE EXTENDED -  Fri 22nd April 2016

WELL-BEING 2016: Co-Creating Pathways to Well-Being, The Third International Conference Exploring the Multi-Dimensions of Well-Being

 Hosted by Birmingham City University, Monday 5th September - Tuesday 6th September, 2016

This year Well-Being 2016 explores the multi-dimensions of well-being focusing on the achievements of well-being through collaboration - to co-create experiences which are positive and meaningful to the individual.

In Well-being 2016, we seek answers to a range of questions about negotiating and navigating the experiences that underpin the achievement of well-being - How positive encounters are or might be embedded in our contact with the environments where we live, learn, play or work;  how individuals are supported in ways that enables them to take control of their personal  well-being; what constitutes a pathway encounter; how are the impacts expressed or captured, the techniques involved, the use of electronic media, verbalisation and narratives or through artistic endeavour, design, making and the crafts, the unique role of the practitioner and the growing relevance of a medical humanities approach?

We aim to provide a platform for dialogue between academics and practitioners, knowledge exchange and methodological exploration through a combination of keynote speakers, breakout sessions and workshops.

For all queries contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Key Themes

*  Children's well-being

*  Nature based solutions towards well-being

*  The context of the medical humanities

*  Recording, representing and evaluating the positive experience

*  Mentoring for well-being

*  Visioning and future thinking of well-being scenarios

Confirmed keynote speakers

Claire Freeman, Professor at the Geography Department, University of Otago, New Zealand

Kalevi Korpela, Professor of Psychology, University of Tampere, Finland

Dr. Fiona Bannon, Senior Lecturer, School of Performance and Cultural Industries, University of Leeds, UK

Karen Creavin, Head of Wellbeing Services, Birmingham Wellbeing Service, Birmingham City Council, UK

Abstracts invited for

*  Posters

*  Papers

*  Interactive Workshops (45 - 60 mins)

Abstracts for all presentation types may be exploratory in nature or consider the findings of existing studies drawn from academia or practice. They need to address issues relating to well-being, where we are particularly interested to consider new and innovative work, and presented in relation to the type of presentation, the results and their significance.

Authors should provide a clear and brief outline of the paper, including identifying Objectives, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion. For interactive workshops, authors should also explain the activity and the necessary logistics and resources to do so.

Abstracts submission

Abstracts for all presentation types (250 words) should be submitted through<>

Abstracts and papers will be blind peer reviewed. All papers, posters and workshops will be included in the conference proceedings with an assigned ISBN.

Download PDF with information

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