

Hi Jiri,

Open both pdb files in Coot.
Calculate -> SSM superpose (or LSQ, depending on what works in your case to position the peptide correctly)
Extensions -> Modelling -> Copy Fragment
Calculate -> Merge Molecules
File -> Save Coordinates

I don't know why your way didn't work ("does not work" is not enough information), maybe chain/residue ID conflict or you messed up the file format, but using Coot is a lot easier anyway.



On 28/04/16 11:04, chemocev marker wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
I am trying to take the peptide-ligand from 1 x-ray structure into the other x-ray structure. What I did is, I superimpose both structures and save the ligand as a PDB file and copy the text coordinates and paste it into the other X-ray structure, but it does not work. I know it can work but I don't know how to do that. CCP4MG program does not allow me to save the selected atom of 2 different PDB structure as one PDB file. If someone have any idea how it can be done.



Dr. Julia Griese
Postdoctoral Researcher
Stockholm Center for Biomembrane Research
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm

phone: +46-(0)8-163 246
email: [log in to unmask]