

The 9th Workshop on Principles and Methods of Statistical Inference with Interval Probability
(WPMSIIP) will take place at Durham University, from Friday 2 till Tuesday 6 September 2016.

Some initial details are available from:

Details about the general WPMSIIP meetings are on:

As is the tradition with these workshops, there will be a strong emphasis on WORK,
where all kind of contributions are welcome, particularly on new ideas or challenges.
We will organise several half-day sessions with specific themes, currently confirmed
sessions are on Machine Learning, on Reliability, and on Performance Evaluation.
Further suggestions are most welcome.

There will not be any fees to attend, and Durham has good value accommodation available
through the university colleges (e.g. B&B en-suite at Collingwood College for 50 pounds per
night) and at some local hotels.

Note that this WPMSIIP follows immediately on from the 7th SIPTA Summer School:

we certainly welcome participants of the summer school to take part in WPMSIIP (and vice versa).
There are still places available for participation at the SIPTA Summer School.

Please let me know asap if you wish to take part in WPMSIIP, in particular if you have suggestions
for themed sessions. All people with interest in imprecise probability theory and its applications
are most welcome!

Best wishes

Frank Coolen
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