Dear all,

Could anyone please help me with this article:

Vigne, Jean-Denis, Isabelle Carre`re, and Jean Guilaine. 2003. Unstable status of early domestic ungulates in the Near East: the example of Shillourokambos (Cyprus. IX–VIIIth millennia cal. B.C.). In Le Ne´olithique de Chypre: actes du colloque international organise´ par le De´partement des Antiquite´s de Chypre et l’E ´cole Franc¸aise d’Athe`nes, Nicosie 17–19 mai 2001. Jean Guilaine and Alain Le Brun, eds. Pp. 239–251. Bulletin de Correspondance Helle´nique, supple´ment 43. Athens: E

Thank you very much!!

Best wishes!

Yiru Wang  王一如
PhD in Archaeology, 2011
Darwin College
Cambridge, CB3 9EU, UK.