


I had a look at how we could carry out a SENSE reconstruction with 
gadgetron. I found two examples one for iterative (conjugate gradient or 
others) SENSE (cpureg_cartesian_averaging.xml) and one for GRAPPA 
(Generic_Cartesian_Grappa.xml). They use different types of pipelines for 
the reconstruction. Here is how I understand it:

1) CartesianToGenericGadget creates an additional hoNDArray which contains 
the trajectory and the dcf (simply 1s for the Cartesian case). This is 
required because the following gadgets are implemented for non-Cartesian 
2) gpuGenericSensePrepGadget adds k-space data used for the csm estimation 
to a buffer and then reconstructs images and obtains the csm information 
prior to the iterative SENSE reconstruction and creates a GenericReconJob 
object which contains all the required information for the reconstruction 
(k-space data, trajectory, dcf, csm, regularisation,...)
3) gpuCgSenseGadget carries out the interative SENSE reconstruction. Other 
iterative SENSE reconstructions are also possible.

1) GenericCartesianReconReferencePrepGadget receives an IsmrmrdReconData 
object which contains the k-space data for the image and also for the csm 
estimation (no need for trajectory or dcf information because it only 
works for Cartesian)
2) GenericCartesianGrappaReconGadget carries out the GRAPPA reconstruction 

For the first case I guess we would require an interface to the 
GenericReconJob object to add the estimated csm information before 
carrying out the gpuCgSenseGadget. In the second case we would need to 
modify the IsmrmrdReconData object to include our external csm information 
and modify the GenericCartesianGrappaReconGadget to do a SENSE rather than 
GRAPPA reconstruction.

Which of the two ways do you think we should try first? Or would it make 
more sense to write a simpler gadget ourselves rather than using the more 
general (and therefore complex) gadgets which already exist?


Dr. Christoph Kolbitsch
Medical Physics and Metrological Information Technologies
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Abbestr. 2-12
10587 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 30 3481 7761