22-24 Mar


Uninvited Guests

Price: £12, £9 concs

This Last Tempest is a visual spectacle that immerses you in atmospheric sound. Part theatre, part gig, this radical take on The Tempest begins where Shakespeare left off: Ariel and Caliban are left alone on the enchanted island, as Prospero’s ship sails over the horizon and out of view….

In the hours that follow, the magician’s former servants are free to tell their unheard versions of the story. They use the magic of the words their master taught them to conjure-up their own brave new world. They perform a tempest and begin again together. 

Running Time: approx. 75 minutes


Richard Burt?
Professor of English and Loser Studies
4314 Turlington Hall
P.O. Box 117310
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Phone: 352 258-2458
Not even what I am writing here is my innermost meaning.  I cannot entrust myself to paper in that way, even though I see it in what is written.  Think of what could happen! The paper could disappear; there could be a fire where I live and I could live in uncertainty; I could die and thus leave it behind me; I could lose my mind and my innermost being would come into alien hands; I could go blind and not be able to find it myself, not know whether I stood with it in my hands without asking someone else, not know whether he lied, whether he was reading, what was written there or something else in order to sound me out. 
--Soren Kierkegaard, Stages on Life’s Way.  Ed. and trans.  Howard V.Hong  and Edna H. Hong Princeton, 1988, 386.