

At 15:56 03/03/2016 +0000, Kevin.Mcconway wrote:
>I'd agree with Rachel. But I'd also be concerned about the whole idea, in 
>that we also need to emphasise good uses of statistics. There's a risk 
>that we might give people the idea that it's all damned lies.

I have to say that the same was my first reaction when I read this proposal 
(well-intentioned though it is).  The "damned lies" issue is already a big 
enough problem in terms of public perception of, and public opinions/views 
about, 'statistics', and if we were to fuel that further by highlighting 
many cases which were (for want of a better term!) "damned lies", things 
could easily just get worse!

Human nature being what it is, I would have thought that the approach more 
likely to improve public perception and understanding would be to 'major 
on' the 'good uses of statistics' and, within that context, to 'mention' 
contrasting examples of 'Bad Stats'.

.... but that is, of course, just my humble opinion!!

Kind Regards,


Dr John Whittington,       Voice:    +44 (0) 1296 730225
Mediscience Services       Fax:      +44 (0) 1296 738893
Twyford Manor, Twyford,    E-mail:   [log in to unmask]
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