

Apologies for cross posting.

FabLearn Europe Conference 2016 - Call For Papers
19th - 20th June 2016, Preston, UK

FabLearn Europe brings together international researchers, educators, designers, and makers to discuss and explore digital fabrication in education, making, and hands-on learning for the 21st Century. This second European FabLearn conference is organised jointly by the University of Central Lancashire, Stanford University and Aarhus University. The conference will take place in Preston at the main University of Central Lancashire campus 19th - 20th June 2016.

FabLearn Europe is a spinoff of the global FabLearn conference, and builds on the strong and dedicated community that has developed around the event over the past 5 years. The one-day event is organized by the Child Computer Interaction (ChiCI) Group in close conjunction with the IDC'16 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, which is held at The Lowry and the BBC, Media City, Manchester, 21st - 24th June, 2016.

You can visit the website of the conference at
The full Call for Participation can be found here<>. All submissions are via All submissions should be formatted using the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Word Template<>. Further details on each of the different submission types are provided below.