+++please excuse cross posting+++


Dear colleagues,


this is the final reminder for abstract submission and early bird registration at the SPNHC 2016 conference in Berlin – this opportunity will end tomorrow. Also, this is the last chance to apply for a travel grant. Thus, don't forget to sign in at http://spnhc2016.m-anage.com/.


Find out more about the conference at www.spnhc2016.berlin and in the circular attached.


We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.


With all the best wishes,


Peter for the local organising committee


Dr. Peter Giere
Head, Centre of Collections
Curator of the Embryological Collection
Museum für Naturkunde
Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science

phone:   +49-(0)30-2093-8703
fax:          +49-(0)30-2093-8868
e-mail:    peter.giere(at)mfn-berlin.de

Postal Address:
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science
Dr. Peter Giere
Invalidenstr. 43
10115 Berlin

Sprecher der AG Kuratoren der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS)
Speaker of the
Curators' Group within the Society of Biological Systematics (GfBS, Germany)
