

Hi guys,

I've been studying a little more in detail the format of the trusts.cfg file, and I have some doubts that I'd like to share with you.

1) The JSON format allows for defining more than one APC. Is this actually possible? Would it make any sense? If so, how do you configure the TR to use the different identities that it would have for each one of the different APCs?

2) In the line of the first question, communities have a parameter called "apcs", which is either a list of APCs or a empty value. Is it possible that a community belong to several APCs? Or is this list just required to represent the "empty" value in JSON (instead of, for example, "")?

3) Idp_realms have a parameter called "apcs". Either if this allows several values or just one, can't this value be obtained from the communities' idp_realms sections? I mean, imagine I have defined that the APC community has something as:

  "apcs": [],
  "community_id": "",
  "idp_realms": [
  "rp_realms": [
  "type": "apc",
  "expiration_interval": 10

When it comes to define idp_realm1, it is obvious that it should include "" on its "apcs" list.

Best regards,