

Dear Sophie, 

Thank you

The use of SBAR is stating either verbally or by hand the:




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> On 14 Mar 2016, at 04:35, Sophie Goyet <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear Mary, 
> Can you tell us what is the SBAR tool?
> Thanks and regards, 
> Sophie
> 2016-03-14 4:29 GMT+05:30 Mary Edmondson <[log in to unmask]>:
>> Dear Nicky,
>> Thank you.
>> I think I mean developing a glossary of key words that are ready to use that everyone can understand, allowing clear communication during a challenging or emergency situation. I think it is about using the SBAR tool, but wondered if there were even clearer ways of thinking about this. Working in diverse  environments, use of language that is understood and accepted by all is an area that needs rapid improvement, I think.
>> I need to search this further, however there  maybe grounds for some more work on this,due to our current work climate.
>> What do you think?
>> Many thanks
>> Mary Edmondson
>>> On 13 Mar 2016, at 22:42, Nicky Grace <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Hi Mary
>>> I'm interested in intrapartum emergencies as a training facilitator and, of course, as a clinical midwife.
>>> Can you explain a bit more about your concept, in particular what you mean by 'critical language'?
>>> Many thanks
>>> Nicky Grace
>>> --
>>> Sent from myMail app for Android
>>> Sunday, 13 March 2016, 07:10pm +00:00 from Mary Edmondson <[log in to unmask]>:
>>> >I am interested in develop a learning tool for midwives to do with maintaining situational awareness and using critical language in critical situations. I envisage a leaflet or booklet.
>>> Is there any interest in this subject?
>>> Thank you
>>> Mary Edmondson
>>> MSc Student. Anglia Ruskin University.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Professor Jane Sandall
>>> >King's College London
>>> >NIHR Senior Investigator
>>> >Mobile 07713743150
>>> >PA Vanessa Giscombe 02071883639
>>> >[log in to unmask]
>>> >Sent from my iPhone