

I have just drafted an Image Usage Policy for our museum, including a pricing structure, which we intend to enforce in the future. This is more to cover the use of our images in print or digital publications, though, although it could equally apply to the public purchasing images. At the moment there is very little demand, because the images are not publicly accessible. We have drafted this policy with the future in mind, though, thinking that demand will increase once people can actually see what we've got, but we are thinking years into the future here. 

I had in mind to deal with image requests as and when they come in, but my colleague mentioned digital asset management systems, which would streamline the ordering and the taking of money. I haven't looked at those in detail yet - I actually had in mind to ask the group a question about their experiences with those, but Sarah kind of pre-empted me. It seems to me, though, that such a system is only worthwhile having if you have a lot of demand, and I'm not sure you can gauge that beforehand.
