I have just asked Ken Smith and Jez Bretherton to give us an update.

Hopefully we shall hear something soon.


Ben Wallace
(Historic Environment Record Manager)
BA (EU) Hons, MA, MCIfA

Warwickshire Historic Environment Record
Archaeological Information and Advice (AIA)
Environment and Regeneration,
Economic Growth,
Warwickshire County Council

Phone: 01926 412734

Postal Address: Archaeological Information and Advice, Communities, Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick CV34 4SX

Physical Address: Archaeological Information and Advice, Communities, Warwickshire County Council, Barrack Street, Warwick CV34 4TH


On 1 March 2016 at 09:52, Nick Boldrini <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Has anyone received any contact from NE about this?


The two weeks since they employed someone to sort it out is up, and we have received nothing.

As I understand it we should either be sent information to invoice against, or information telling us we need to register, but haven’t received anything.


Unless of course they think we aren’t owed anything – would they tell us that?



best wishes


Nick Boldrini

Historic Environment Record Officer

Archaeology Section

Design and Historic Environment Team

Planning Service

Regeneration and Economic Development

Durham County Council

County Hall



Tel: 03000 267008

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