

Hi Alberto,

You can use fslmaths -add and then write an integer. That will sum the integer you wrote to all of the voxels in the matrix. 


fslmaths $FSLDIR/data/atlases/Juelich/Juelich-maxprob-thr0-1mm.nii.gz -add 150 output.nii.gz

This will create an atlas almost identical to the previous one but with values starting in 150.

Therefore, voxel 91,129,126 (which had a value of 91 in Juelich atlas) will have a value of 241 (91+150) in output.nii.gz.


2016-03-23 9:06 GMT+01:00 Alberto <[log in to unmask]>:
Dear FSL experts,

I kindly ask to you if exist a specific FSL function that change the atlas' intensities enumeration.
For example, each FSL atlases starts from 0 and than go ahead to their last intensity; my query refers to the possibility to start an atlas with different number, e.g. from the intensity 150 and then to the last one.

Thanks in advance
Best regard