

Dear FSL users,

I have been using the following command line to calculate the average FA value for a ROI of an individual scan:

fslmeants -i subject_FA_map.nii.gz -m ROI_mask -o subject_mean_FA_ROI.txt

This works but I have a large number of scans and ROIs to process, so repeatedly copying in the command line and changing the inputs and outputs manually is very tedious. I was therefore wondering if there was a command I could use to produce a .txt file with the mean FA of a ROI for each of the scans in a particular directory. I have tried the following command to no avail:

fslmeants -i *FA_map.nii.gz -m ROI_mask -o all_subjects_mean_FA_ROI.txt --label=*FA_map.nii.gz

Do you know what I need to do? Or if this isn't possible, is there a command to produce a .txt file for every scan in a particular group?

Kind regards,

Joe Harding