

Hi FSL peeps,

I was hoping to get the total brain volume for a subject, which includes
WM, GM and perhaps CSF (?)

I am looking into FAST, which does a segmentation of these 3 tissue types:

Here it is explained how to estimate the tissue volume for a given class,
as such:
vol=`$FSLDIR/bin/fslstats structural_bet_pve_1 -V | awk '{print $1}'`
mean=`$FSLDIR/bin/fslstats structural_bet_pve_1 -M`
tissuevol=`echo "$mean * $vol" | bc -l`
echo $tissuevol

My question is - how can I calculate the TOTAL brain volume? Can I do this
simply by summing the tissuevol of the WM, the GM, and the CSF?

Furthermore, is it typical to include the CSF in the total brain volume?
