

Preservation in Practice: Minimal Effort Ingest webinar
Thursday 31 March, 10:00 CET

Ingest more for less!
An expensive part of ingesting digital collections into digital repositories is the quality assurance (QA) phase. Traditionally, data and metadata are quality assured before ingest, to ensure that only data which complies with the repository data formatting and documentation standards is preserved.

This webinar will look at the Minimal Effort Approach from the Statsbiblioteket in Denmark. In Minimal Effort Ingest, we postpone the QA of data and metadata until after the data has been ingested and even further, if resources are not available. This approach makes it possible to secure the incoming data quickly.

Session lead
Bolette Ammitzbøll Jurik, Statsbiblioteket

For more information about Minimal Effort Ingest from the Statsbiblioteket visit:

Please register at:

The webinar will last approximately one hour. The recording will be will available to OPF members.

Kind Regards,

Becky McGuinness | Community Manager
Open Preservation Foundation |