

Dear colleagues,

Due to a number of requests the organisers of the conference 'Anxiety in and about Africa' have decided to extend the Call for Papers period to allow for more submissions. We've had a great response so far and look forward to receiving additional abstracts before the final deadline of Sunday 13 March. Apologies for cross posting.

Conference details - Anxiety in and about Africa

Location: University of Cambridge

Dates: 15-6 June 2016

Keynote speaker: Emmanual K. Akyeampong (Harvard University)

Conference website: <>
Call for papers

In recent years, a growing body of literature has explored the ways in which colonial encounters between Europeans and Africans were fraught with anxiety. Historians and other scholars have shown how ‘colonial anxieties’ about sexuality, authority, modernity, climate, and race shaped attitudes and policies in colonial settings, and help reveal the vulnerability of the colonial enterprise. Despite its widespread use, however, scholars have rarely interrogated the term ‘anxiety’ itself. This is in contrast to the literature on colonialism elsewhere, where literary and critical theorists have drawn distinctions between ‘anxiety’ and ‘fear’.

Within anthropology, meanwhile, scholars have become increasingly interested in ‘insecurity’ and ‘uncertainty’, drawing out their ‘positive and productive potential’ (Cooper and Pratten 2015:1). What is often missing in this work, however, is historical depth—uncertainty and insecurity are conceptualised as modern phenomena, and the literature on earlier forms of anxiety, particularly related to the colonial project, is often ignored. This work also often fails to take into account recent research on affect and emotion, which explores how feelings, moods, and sensations are socially and culturally constructed.

This conference will bring these different research trajectories together for the first time. It will engage scholars from history, development studies, anthropology, geography, sociology, law, and other disciplines in a new conversation on anxiety across time and space. It aims to explore common themes and ideas about anxiety across disciplinary boundaries; consider the conceptual meaning(s) of ‘anxiety’; explore anxiety as a lived experience and investigate how individuals and communities within Africa attempt to navigate it; critically examine how states and institutions instrumentalise anxiety for various political ends; and consider how anxiety in Africa relates to global concerns, particularly around notions of security and ‘terror’.

The conference organisers invite scholars and practitioners working on relevant topics to submit a 250-word abstract and CV for consideration.

Papers that relate to the following themes are particularly encouraged:

Spiritual anxieties
Institutional anxieties
Generational anxieties
Intimate anxieties
Anxieties of health
Security and anxiety
Please send all abstracts and CVs to [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>.  The deadline for abstracts is 13 March 2016.

Speakers selected through the Call for Papers will be notified by the end of March. Registration will open in April.
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