

Dear AllStat,

Please see below of an upcoming event which may be of interest.

Our first event of the year will be on the topic of Poisson/Negative Binomial Modelling.  The event is planned for 2pm (UK time) on March 10th, with speakers Richard Kay and Mouna Akacha presenting their work.  No need to travel, just block out the date and time in your calendar.
Chair: Oliver Keene (GSK)
Speaker: Richard Kay (RK Statistics)
The analysis of incontinence episodes and other count data in patients with overactive bladder by Poisson and negative binomial regression
Authors: R Martina, R Kay, R van Maanen, A Ridder
Pharmaceutical Statistics, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 151-160, March/April 2015
Speaker: Mouna Akacha (Novartis)
Sensitivity analyses for partially observed recurrent event data
Authors: Mouna Akacha and Emmanuel O. Ogundimu
Pharmaceutical Statistics, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 4-14, January/February 2016

For further information, please visit

With kind regards,


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