
Anyone have?

Tomé C, Vigne J (2003): Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) age at death
estimates: New methods and modern reference data for tooth eruption and
wear, and for epiphyseal fusion. Archaeofauna 12:157-173.

Habermehl, K.H. (1985) Altersbestimmung bei Wild- und Pelztieren.
Moeglichkeiten und Methoden. Ein praktischer Leitfaden fuer Jaeger,
Biologen und Tieraerzte." (Age determination in wild and fur-bearing
animals. Possible uses and methods. Practical guide for hunters,
biologists and veterinarians). 2. ed. in German, published in Berlin.

Salima Ikram
Professor of Egyptology
Egyptology Unit Head
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology
American University in Cairo
AUC Avenue, PO Box 74
New Cairo 11835
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