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Critical Hospitality Studies Symposium: A Multi-Disciplinary Affair (Edinburgh Napier University, 28-29 July, 2016)

Call for Papers

Theme: Hospitality as Metaphor

Critical Hospitality Studies is at a key stage in its development.  The concept of Hospitality is employed by various disciplines as a way of investigating contemporary issues in society as well as being investigated as a phenomenon in its own right, for example, commercial, private, public hospitality. The study of hospitality is truly a multi-disciplinary phenomenon. In order to continue and progress its development it is important that scholars from different disciplines converse not just through multi-disciplinary journals such as Hospitality & Society but also in person. Such conversations are necessary to help build the networks required to develop the theoretical foundations and release the conceptual power of hospitality and to understand better the nature of the phenomenon. Accordingly, we invite scholars to participate from all disciplines concerned with usage of hospitality as a conceptual tool as well as those concerned with the study of hospitality in action. We are keen to develop cross-disciplinary dialogue and we encourage contributions from colleagues working in anthropology, business and management, cultural and media studies, design, education, events, gender studies, geography, health and welfare, history, hospitality, language and literature studies, philosophy, sociology, sports and leisure studies, tourism, as well as related fields.

Please visit the symposium’s webpages CHS 2016 for more information.

Please send initial expressions of interest or enquiries to [log in to unmask]. Those wishing to present a paper at the symposium should send an abstract, approximately 500 words in length by Thursday the 31st of March 2016. Presenters of accepted papers should register by Sunday the 15th of May 2016.

Participants may be invited to submit full versions of their papers for review and consideration for publication in a future edition of Hospitality & Society Journal: Journal,id=194/view,page=2/




Gavin Urie


Graduate Teaching Assistant

Room 1/22

School of Marketing, Tourism & Languages

The Business School

Edinburgh Napier University

T : +44 (0)1314552475


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