On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 15:40 +0000, Tom Whyntie wrote:
> I don't know about the IPv6 status - good point (given that GridPP do pretty well for IPv6 prep - would make a great News Item for the new site!).

We have IPv6 on some of the other VMs at the Tier-2 so it should be straightforward. I’d like to see the new website set up settle down first though.

I agree - one step at a time. In fact the switch to IPv6 would be a great hook for a News Item highlighting GridPP's other work on IPv6, so let's pencil it in - for the new year?

Hi folks,

As New Year appears to have been and gone, could we at least try and get the GridPP website IPv6-enabled in time for GridPP36 ?

Terry Froy
Cluster Systems Manager, Particle Physics
Queen Mary, University of London
Tel: +44 (0)207 882 6560
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