Dear Mr. Ashburner, dear SPM list.

I’m sorry to resend this message, but I haven’t receive any reply on this issue.
I want to get 3D vector deformation field, that is, whose size is # x # x # x 3 from *sn.mat.
So, I got y_def.nii from *sn.mat in the following way : SPM > Util > Deformations  > Imported_sn.mat.

>> header = spm_vol(‘ y_def.nii ‘);
>> header.dim = [208 206 154]

This means y_def.nii is not 3D vector field.

How can I get 3D vector deformation field (ex. y_def.nii; size : # x # x # x 3).
I am using SPM8.

Best regards,