

Dear Seiki,
It depends on the area itself. If it's the hippocampal area, then I would say the 10mm radius sphere might be too large. What about adding an additional constraint with an anatomical mask to ensure that the significant voxels are indeed the area of your interest?
I hope this helps.

On 19 Feb 2016 08:50, "Seiki Konishi" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear SPM experts,


I would appreciate your comments on our recent debate with a reviewer.


We think we have detected a memory effect in a second-level group analysis in a human fMRI study. The effect was not sufficient for correction of the whole brain, but was significant after a small volume correction using SPM8. The center of the sphere was taken from the coordinates reported in our previous study of related theme, and the radius was set to 10 mm.


A reviewer argued that the 10 mm volume was very large. I would appreciate your comments on the volume size and, especially, any citable literature about this issue.


Many thanks in advance,


Seiki Konishi

Department of Neurophysiology,

Juntendo University School of Medicine