We've organized two Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE) sessions at the Western Economics Association International conference in Portland, June 29-July 3. With another paper or two we would add another session. Please let me know as soon as possible if you're interested.


Dave Dixon
[log in to unmask]

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: CfP for ACE at the Westerns in Portland, OR
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 19:56:31 -0700
From: Dave Dixon <[log in to unmask]>
To: SIMSOC <[log in to unmask]>

CALL FOR PAPERS in Agent-based Computational Economics

SESSIONS ORGANIZED FOR: Western Economic Association International

91st Annual Conference, June 29-July 3, 2016
Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, Portland, Oregon

SESSIONS ORGANIZERS: Chris Ruebeck and Dave Dixon

Join a session at the Westerns bringing together applications of
agent-based modeling in economics. This is an opportunity to:

    * Get feedback on your latest research
    * Increase the probability of publishing your research
    * Interact with economists from all over the world

If you would like to submit a paper for presentation in this session,
please provide the following information for *all* authors:

   1  Name
   2  Professional affiliation
   3  Academic degrees held
   4  Mailing address
   5  Phone and fax numbers
   6  Email address

Additionally, provide this information

   - Paper title (limit 60 characters and spaces)
   - Paper topic area (up to three appropriate codes from the JEL
Classification System for Journal Articles)
   - Paper abstract (350 words or less)
   - Your willingness to serve as a discussant
   - Any days during the conference you will *not* be able to present

Email this information to Chris Ruebeck ruebeck@Dave Dixon [log in to unmask].

*** Deadline: please send your submission for this session by JANUARY
31st, 2016 ***  Expect to hear back in the first week of February.
