

Dear all


An interesting new document about a framework for Evaluating Excellence in Teaching.


“Although the Academy focus is on engineering, the framework has been designed to be used across all academic disciplines, as promotions criteria within universities are often set at institution level rather than by faculty.

In his foreword welcoming the report, Minister for Universities and Science Jo Johnson MP said: “There is a perception – and one we need to tackle – that pursuing a teaching-focused career can hold you back in academia. It is reassuring to know this view is not predominant at the more senior levels, but the report clearly exposes a gap among some levels of the academic profession. This is a gap we need to bridge. “


No specific reference to how this relates to the UKPSF (only a couple of minor references to it) – but given the ministers support this must raise some interesting issues – especially in the light of TEF!


Friday afternoon reading for you!





David Andrew

HEA CPD Manager
Senior Tutor

CAPD white-out
Centre for Academic and Professional Development
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



