Hi again,

The videos of presentations from UKNOF33 are now online at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjzK5ZtLlc93ZfIotiPC4tLrYcbUIDMZB. There may be a few items of interest for people here.

The UK Network Operator’s Forum is keen to see talks from members of the academic community on their research. The next UKNOF is in Manchester on 21st April 2016. Attendance is free if you sign up before the early-bird cutoff of 6th April. Numbers are now at over 250 as the event grows in popularity, so it's a very good opportunity for you to meet members (largely) of the UK ISP/IX communities and discuss ideas with them.

You can submit abstracts at the UKNOF34 event page at https://indico.uknof.org.uk/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=36 and find out more general information about UKNOF at http://www.uknof.org.uk/, including material from all past events.  Presentation slots can be of any length from 5 minute lightning format (e.g. to draw attention to some topic, service or piece of software) up to a fuller 30 minute talk.
