





  时间:Spring term 2016 (最理想是在三月)


  第一步:一个小时左右的采访 (以围绕您对教学经历自述为主)

  第二步:两次课堂观察 (最理想的是两个不同级别的班级)

  第三步:一个小时左右的采访 (以围绕您的教学方法为主)




    我已附上研究提案,以供参考。如果有任何疑问,请您随时与我联系。您可以通过我的邮箱 [log in to unmask] 或者电话07875
769414 与我联系。



Dear laoshimen,

Thank you for taking the time to read my email.

My name is Jiaqi Guo. I am a MPhil student at the Faculty of
Education, University of Cambridge. I am carrying out a research study
to investigate UK based Chinese teachers’ beliefs in teaching

I hope my research findings will help inform TCFL teacher education
and teacher training material development, by helping to ensure
teachers’ personal background and cognition development are taken more
fully into account.

I am writing to ask if you would be willing to give permission for me
to carry out classroom observation of Chinese lessons that you teach.

This study would involve my presence in the classroom in order to
observe and make notes of how lessons are taught. If possible I would
like to observe two lessons given by the same teacher at two different
levels. Having worked myself as a Chinese teacher for the last eight
years, four of which have been in posts at UK universities, I can
assure you I would be extremely careful to cause no disruption to the
class or the teacher.

I also plan to audio-record the lessons and conduct an interview with
the teachers to explore their views about foreign language
teaching.However research will be treated absolutely confidentially
and all information will be used anonymously. Therefore the findings
and research results will not be able to be linked to any individual
participant in the study. There is no known potential risk that for
participants in this study. Unfortunately, there will be no financial
compensation for participation. I am more than happy to provide a
debriefing at the end of my project if you are interested.

Many thanks in advance for your consideration of this project. Please
find the consent form attached. Please let me know if you need more
information. Please feel free to contact me on 07875 769414 or
[log in to unmask]

Yours sincerely,

Jiaqi  Guo