

Dear David,

Also as I see there is
​1 processed/
corrected *.nii
​ ​
\T1w\Diffusion\data.nii.gz) and bvec
​ ​
for a subject from the 'connectome in the box'. How can I achive that with my own data (with opposing PEs in B0
and DWIs of course), should I use the --resamp lsr option? From a previous thread it looks like yes (;feea3a93.1510), but then how
one bvec
​ file​
? Or it will be provided via eddy because of the --resamp lsr flag?

Since you only have one PE-direction for each dwi you cannot use --resamp=lsr. Just use the default. The bvec file is not produced by eddy. It is something you need to supply. If you are using
5.09 you will get a file with rotated bvecs as part of your output.
Sure I have data with opposing PEs and the original bvecs. Could I get one corrected *.nii and one rotated bvec (rotated by eddy) with the ​l
east squares reconstruction​
​ (like the preprocessed HCP data)? And if so how is that one rotated bvec is generated from the 2 original bvecs? I'm using

The rotated bvecs is quite new in eddy, and we haven’t yet decided how best to combine LSR and rotated bvecs yet.

If you use --resamp=jac you won’t have that problem, but it means loosing a little resolution in areas with large susceptibility distortions. On the other hand I find that the rotation of bvecs have a very small impact on most data from healthy adults.



I hope that answers your questions.


Szabolcs David
UMC Utrecht