

 With apologies for cross-posting.
 I have been attempting to follow the process but may have missed something.....
Firstly, I have not yet had an invitation to register (despite being a freelance mentor and invoicing SLC regularly for over 7 years).
Secondly, the timescale is unrealistic - 19th February! - when we are only just finding out what the criteria are.
Thirdly, the criteria for ASD mentoring are very restrictive - a degree, plus either NAS training (when did they get the monopoly?), or a PG Cert in Autism. I don't have either of the latter but I do have 20 years experience in autism, a first degree plus a Masters, and a social work qualification; which apparently count for nothing. I wouldn't mind so much if we had been given some warning, so I could go off and do the PG Cert!  
I understand there is an appeals process, but my reading is that the stated criteria are mandatory, so at this stage I'm not even sure it's worth trying to register. I'm just bemused that these criteria could go through without more discussion or protest.  

Sue Green
Support for University Students with Asperger's (SUSA)