(Please excuse the cross-posting. Posting on behalf of a friend)

The Faculty of Humanities invites applications for 2 fulltime assistant professorships in Digital Humanities.

Assistant Professor Digital Humanities with focus on text analysis (1.0 fte)
Vacancy number: 16-061

Assistant Professor Digital Humanities with focus on data-analysis and visualization (1.0 fte)
Vacancy number: 16-062

Key responsibilities

The Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities (LUCDH) is recruiting two assistant professors to develop innovative research projects that take full advantage of digital sources and methods, to design and implement teaching programmes in Digital Humanities and to collaborate with digital humanities research across the university.

The two hires will be in complementary areas of the Digital Humanities (DH). We are looking for candidates with an area of specialisation in one of two broader areas. The first position will focus on text analysis (including text and image mark-up, text-mining, corpus linguistics, named entity recognition, topic modelling, or machine learning). The other will focus on the development of data analysis and visualisation platforms (including database design, visualisation, network analysis, or geographic information systems).

Please indicate for which of the two specialisations you wish to apply and explain relevant experience to one or more of the subfields listed.

• Coordinating DH activity across the Humanities Faculty and with other faculties and units such as the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science, the University Library, and the Data Science Centre;
• Designing courses and training for staff and students at all levels;
• Advising on technical design and implementation of humanities research projects;
• Generating research funding and assisting in the development of digital humanities research proposals;
• Developing collaborative research projects with university, national, and international partners;
• Authoring and co-authoring DH research outputs.

For more information and how to apply: http://werkenbij.leidenuniv.nl/vacatures/wetenschappelijke-functies/16-061-062-vacature-universiteit-leiden-assistant-professors-digital-humanities.html

Dot Porter (MA, MSLS)       
Digital Medievalist, Digital Librarian
Email: [log in to unmask]
Personal blog: dotporterdigital.org
Medieval Electronic Scholarly Alliance: http://www.mesa-medieval.org
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