

Second Call for Papers: RGS-IBG 30th August to 2nd September 2016, London

Session Title: The nexus between Young People`s Geographies and Geographies of Education

Session Convenors: Itta Bauer, Sara Landolt (both Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland) and Verena Schreiber (University of Education, Freiburg, Germany)

Young People`s Geographies and Geographies of Education have both become established fields of research in human geography. With each proclaimed new "turn", - e.g. cultural turn, material turn, performativity turn, geographers interested in young people and learning have been challenged to discover new issues, spaces and thrillingly different ways of thinking and doing geography. The academic research and exchange has certainly benefited from engaging with such stimulating concepts as more-than-representational theory, socio-materiality, performativity or queer theories to name only a few. Contrasting to the velocity of academic geography to re-invent itself in closely timed intervals, geography in formal education (at least in German speaking countries) appears to represent an escarpment outlier that steadfastly defies the odds of times and turns.
In this session we would like to give room to voices of geographers (in the widest sense of the word) that critically engage with this argument. Most welcome are papers that reveal quite different images of geography in learning contexts - from kindergarten to university, from informal to professional learning and from mundane to "insane" encounters. Although we are interested in papers focusing on the following questions, we would also encourage paper submissions that have a different but connected focus:  

Geography, Education and Space
-        What is the nexus between geography, education and spaces of young people?
-        How are spaces and places of education being designed, controlled or re-invented by different actors?
-        What role does difference (gender, youth, culture) play within places of learning and education?
Young People`s Geographies and Geographies of Education
-        What is the nexus between "Geographies of education" and "Geography education"?
-        In which ways have young people`s geographies/geographies of education either reached young people themselves or influenced school geography?
-        In which ways may a participatory practice in research inspire engaged pedagogy?
-        How can we learn and do geography at and beyond school differently?
Theory meets practice
-        In which ways are theoretical concepts like performativity or socio-materiality useful to approach geographical topics related to learning from new perspectives and in new ways?
-        Which issues, things and matters do different actors consider to be relevant for learning geography?
-        How can we start a dialogue between theorizing and practicing geography with respect to learning?

Instructions for Authors:
The session is planned in two parts: The first part foresees three paper presentations or performances (15 min.) followed by short round of Q&A. The second part is organized as a world cafe providing more room for discussion among all participants.
Please email queries and proposals (complete with title, abstract of 200-250 words, and presenter information) to Sara Landolt and Itta Bauer [log in to unmask] The deadline for abstracts is Monday, 8th February 2016.

Best wishes, 
Sara, Itta & Verena


Dr. Itta Bauer
Geography Teacher Training
Geographisches Institut
Universität Zürich
Winterthurer Strasse 190
CH 8057 Zürich

Tel.: ++41-44-635 51 47
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