

Conference Announcement – Call for Papers 

African-Asian Encounters (III)

Afrasian Transformations:  Beyond Grand Narratives?
Goethe University Frankfurt, September 28-30, 2016

This interdisciplinary conference is part of a series of international conferences on African-Asian Encounters that started with “New Cooperations – New Dependencies?” (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 2014) and continued with “Re-Thinking African-Asian Relationships: Changing Realities – New Concepts” (Cape Town, South Africa, March 2015). The Frankfurt Conference invites scholars to take stock of various grand narratives in their respective research work, to critically reconsider current theoretical and methodological frameworks employed in understanding African-Asian interactions, and to discuss how they navigate between empirical work and theory production. We invite contributions that theorize African-Asian interactions and address grand narratives prevalent in/across various disciplines. We also welcome contributions that reflect on African-Asian interactions in various fields and connect their empirical findings to the overall conference theme.

For more information see