


For economy of time I have been doing all the processing of single particles with bin2 images, and after a 3D classification
run, wanted then to use a particular class and run a 3D refinement with the bin1 (ie full sized) particles.

I wrote a script to update the micrograph/particle names, to update x,y, magnification and 3 defocus parameters in the
existing file to represent the full sized particles, and then wrote out a new star with the same header format.

However, I get a strange scaling error I have not encountered before, but note that I did normalize the full size particles 
when they were extracted from their micrographs.

At the first Expectation step the job stalled and a file appeared in the working dir > Mweight.spi

The cluster slowed down to a load near zero, and the .err output file contains a very long list of 0 values and a few comments 

at the top:

exp_thisparticle_sumweight= 0
 part_id= 64278
 group_id= 8 mymodel.scale_correction[group_id]= 1
 exp_ipass= 0
 sampling.NrDirections(0, true)= 192 sampling.NrDirections(0, false)= 192
 sampling.NrPsiSamplings(0, true)= 24 sampling.NrPsiSamplings(0, false)= 24
 mymodel.sigma2_noise[ipart]= qq

at the tail:

 mymodel.avg_norm_correction= 1
 wsum_model.avg_norm_correction= 0.868591
written out Mweight.spi
 exp_thisparticle_sumweight= 0
 exp_min_diff2[ipart]= 738.506
ERROR!!! zero sum of weights....
File: src/ml_optimiser.cpp line: 4239

In thread 0

Is there another set of params I should have updated or deleted in the file?


C Akey