

Course in
Tartu, Estonia, Fri 17th - Wed 22nd June 2016;
Deadline for application: 15 April, 2015
The course is aimed at epidemiologists and statisticians who wish to use R for statistical modelling and analysis of epidemiological data.
The course requires basic knowledge of epidemiological concepts and study types. These will only be briefly reviewed, whereas the more advanced epidemiological and statistical concepts will be treated in depth.
History of R. Language. Objects. Functions.
Interface to other dataformats. Dataframes.
Tabulation of data.
Logistic regression for case-control-studies.
Poisson regression for follow-up studies.
Causal inference.
Parametrization of models.
Graphics in R.
Graphical reporting of results.
Time-splitting & SMR.
Nested and matched case-control studies.
Case-cohort studies.
Survival analysis in continuous time.
Competing risk models and relative survival.
Multistate models.
 The Epi package for epidemiological analysis in R will be introduced. The course will be mainly practically oriented with more than half the time at the computer.
- Krista Fischer, Senior researcher, Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu, Estonia.
- Esa Läärä, Professor of Biometry, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Oulu, Finland.
- Janne Pitkäniemi, Chief Statistician, Finnish Cancer Registry, Helsinki, Finland & Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland .
- Bendix Carstensen, Senior Statistician, Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte & Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Maintainer of the Epi package.
- Martyn Plummer, Senior Statistician, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France. Member of the R core team.

Price: 650 EUR (academic); 950 EUR (commercial)
The course is a self-supporting entity, and there are NO grants or stipends available for travel or participation.

Application: Send an e-mail which briefly states your qualifications in epidemiology and statistics, to the course organizers
Kristi Läll (kristi2901 at<>) and Silva Kasela (silva.kasela at<>).
Deadline: 15 April 2015
After the application deadline we will send you the information regarding the registration and accommodation.

Further information at:<>

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