

Hi SPM experts,

I would like to seek help regarding my problem. I have run pipeline for fmri pre-processing which includes slice timing (spm_slice_timing), realign(spm_realign), reslice(spm_reslice), coregister(spm_coreg), unified segmentation(spm_preproc8) and smoothing(spm_smooth) using SPM12. All input and output are fine from slice timing to coregister.However, one I run pipeline for spm_preproc8 the was a problem with the input files as below. Could anyone help and advise me? 

>> command = 'spm_coreg(files_in, opt.VF,opt.flag, opt.files_out);';
        pipeline{Sub_pipe}.coreg.command   = command;
        pipeline{Sub_pipe}.coreg.files_in  = pipeline{Sub_pipe}.reslice.mean; % mean EPI doesn't move
        pipeline{Sub_pipe}.coreg.opt.VF = spm_vol(P{1}); % source:anatomical image
        pipeline{Sub_pipe}.coreg.opt.flags = struct('sep',[4 2], 'params',[0 0 0  0 0 0], 'cost_fun','nmi','tol',[0.02 0.02 0.02 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.001], 'graphics',1, 'fwhm',[7 7] );

        command = 'spm_preproc8(files_in);';
        obj.image = spm_vol(P{1});
        obj.biasfwhm = 60; 
        obj.biasreg = 0.001;
        obj.tpm =[fileparts(which('spm')) filesep 'tpm' filesep 'TPM.nii'];
        obj.lkp = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6];
        obj.Affine ='mni'; 
        obj.reg= [0 0.001 0.5 0.05 0.2];
        obj.samp = 3;
        obj.fwhm = 0;
        pipeline{Sub_pipe}.preproc8.command   = command;
        pipeline{Sub_pipe}.preproc8.files_in  = obj.image;
        pipeline{Sub_pipe}.preproc8.files_out = waPout{session};

>> opt.path_logs = [corr filesep 'pipeout'];
>> psom_run_pipeline(pipeline{Sub_pipe},opt)

The pipeline description is now being prepared for execution.
The following folder will be used to store logs and status :
Examining the dependencies of the pipeline ...
    Removing empty jobs ...
    Checking that all jobs are associated with a command ...
    Generating dependencies ...
       Reorganizing inputs/outputs ... There was a problem with the input files of job preproc8
Error using psom_files2cell (line 97)
FILES should be a string or a cell of strings, or a structure with arbitrary depths whos terminal
fields are strings or cell of strings

Error in psom_files2cell (line 97)
        error('FILES should be a string or a cell of strings, or a structure with arbitrary depths
        whos terminal fields are strings or cell of strings');

Error in psom_files2cell (line 60)
        cell_files{num_e} = psom_files2cell(cell_files{num_e});

Error in psom_build_dependencies (line 110)
            files_in.(name_job) = unique(psom_files2cell(pipeline.(name_job).files_in));

Error in psom_pipeline_init (line 341)
[graph_deps,list_jobs,files_in,files_out,files_clean] =

Error in psom_run_pipeline (line 379)
    [tmp,flag_start] = psom_pipeline_init(pipeline,opt_init);

Thank you in advance