Dear Donald and experts,
 Since my group Tmap show a big cluster which contained part of SPL, part of IPL and part of Postcentral, thus I want to separate these 3 ROIs from the cluster. I used the peak_nii.m to get the peaks within this cluster, and I got 3 peaks which represent SPL, IPL and Postcentral respectively. But the coordinate of the peak of Postcentral is at the edge of original cluster. If I used this coordinate to make a sphere ROI, it will exceed the original cluster. In other word, my cluster contain a small region of Postcentral, how can I choose the center/ gravity of the this region instead of the peak at the edge.

Is there any other best way to separate different ROIs from a cluster. Can I used the mask of Postcentral from AAL template to overlap the original cluster, and get the ROI?

best regards