

Classified email. Agency business. Personal accounts. Capstone … No, this
doesn’t pertain to Secretary Clinton’s email discomfiture, nor a secretive
government mission. But as federal government employees, odds are that you
are not only mindful of these terms, but have a large portion of your daily
work lives driven by them.

2016 is here and the Presidential Memorandum M-12-18 on managing government
records mandates that all email within the federal government be managed as
a record by the end of this year. Many federal agencies are still
determining a workable strategy to meet the goals of transparency,
efficiency and accountability; and comply with federal statutes and
regulations for records management.

Dallas, Tx
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Save our in-boxes!
"The problems of our economy have occurred not as an outgrowth of
laissez-faire, unbridled competition.
They have occurred under the guidance of federal agencies, and under the
umbrella of federal regulations."
Senator Ted Kennedy, in defending trucking deregulation in 1978.

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