

> Not all professionals ignore the academic discourse,.

I agree. Thats why I said most professionals. 

> The academic discourse does not make you incapable of working as a practitioner. 

…Right. I never said otherwise. What I said was that it is inaccurate and unfortunate to cite the emerging academic discipline(s) and PhD programs as the next step in the evolution of the professional practice of design, when they are overall entirely different pathways aimed at different things.

> In fact, most of my professors when I was studying in Europe and Asia were high profile industry experts that also held academic posts. 

Yes, this is the same in the US. Most faculty of design schools were or are currently practitioners, including myself. But design schools are professional schools. When you talk about academic disciplines and PhD programs, on the design PhD listserv (titled as a list “for discussion PhD studies and related research in Design”), we are talking about scholarship of design.

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