

  Dear All,
Please find the flier for this better mapping seminar in February.  It could be of interest to folk who look after map collections and possibly have to produce maps for their users.Ann Sutherland

Dear Mapmaker,
Are you producing maps from GIS with little or no training?  Are you confused by the options available within your software?Do you stick with the default settings?Are you unhappy with your maps?  Do you need help?Better Mapping Seminars are just for you!
Better Mapping Seminars are presented by the British Cartographic SocietyThese one day events feature a number of expert presenters and introduce a range of topics and easy methods demonstrating how good cartographic practice can greatly improve the quality, accuracy and effectiveness of your maps. The use of geographic information, digital mapping software and GIS is ever increasing. Never before has the importance of understanding the fundamentals of good map design been more important. A poorly designed map can at least diminish effective communication of information to users and at worst mislead, perhaps seriously.
Reasons to attend:• Appreciate the importance of cartography in creating good maps • Understand the use of cartography within decision-making processes • Discover how to produce a high-quality map to fit the task • Improve your expertise in the communication of geographic information • Receive helpful advice through case studies and real examples • Learn about the simple techniques that help create better mapping 
PLUS• Points are awarded to be used towards AGI CPD and RGS Chartered Geographer status• Each delegate receives a copy of Cartography an Introduction, the booklet published by BCS that explains then principles of good cartographic design
Do join us at the next event at the University of Glasgow on 18th February - sign up at
Look forward to seeing you there.
Mary Spence MBEBritish Cartographic Society