

A quick reminder that the first Online Symposium of the International Consortium of Academic Language and Learning Developers kicks off at 9.00 pm tonight UK time and runs over a 24 hour period. 
This is an exciting and innovative experiment, to allow Learning Developers from New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK to communicate across the timezones and present examples of their work to an international audience. We hope that this will encourage international collaboration and result in joint project working - we all share so much in common!
Details in the email below. Do please take a moment to register in advance and check the log in details using AdobeConnect. Our friends in Canada have worked hard to get a great schedule together for this inaugural online symposium.
See you there?
David Bowers
Secretary, Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, UK


Greetings colleagues!
The website is ready, the presenters are pumped, and all that's needed now is your participation! 


International Consortium of Academic Language and Learning Developers (ICALLD) is pleased to announce that the program is ready for our first Online Symposium, January 27-29.  We have 25 presenters offering 17 sessions over 24 hours across 11 time zones. 

To register for this free event and to view the agenda, please visit:  The agenda includes instructions on how to connect to the conference platform, AdobeConnect, a web-based application, as well as the schedule and
 abstracts for the sessions.
If you're not sure of your time zone, visit:
This event is being hosted by LSAC, the
Learning Specialists Association of Canada, on behalf of ICALLD.  Please contact me if you have any questions and hope you enjoy the symposium!


Maryann Kope, OCT, B.A., M.Ed.

Manager, Learning Services 

International Relations Director, LSAC
University of Guelph

McLaughlin Library

Ontario, Canada

519-824-4120, x58313